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Rules of game
Rules Menu Game staff AP-galbert AP-Danysax89 ExP-HonorMan ExP-ninja970 PR-Demon Lord PR-malcom PR-syax90 mod-grave mod-Libero mod-Daniele17 mod-Miky |
Here you will find a brief description of the game. For any request, doubt or information don't hesitate to write to our e-mail address or to contact one of the following game figures: 1- The site administrators, the Admin Projects (AP); 2- Users who monitor the regularity of the game and compliance with the Rules, that are the Expert Projects (ExP); 3- Users who help administrators with certain tasks, that are the Project Resources (PR); 4- Users who can moderate the forum and check for irregularities within the game, that are the Moderators (Mod). In MyGPTeam your task is that of driving a formula 1 team to success. At the time of registration you will receive the property of one F1 Team, so you become its owner and it carries the name that you choose. If you wish to delete your account once registered, you can write an e-mail to the staff or write to one of the Admin Projects. As a team owner you have some drivers in your payroll, 3 at the beginning who are provided with a contract and salary, some engineers (max 7) and a mechanic technician staff and another figure who will be analysed below. Furthermore each team has a storehouse where you can keep the components to assemble your cars (at the beginning the storehouse is provided with 2 components for each type except the set of tyres which are 6), a laboratory where engineers and technicians plan and build advanced technologies and your own circuit of which tribunes and asphalt quality are managed and it's possibile to change the basic layout changing the quantity of bends and of height differences as you like. MyGPTeam is organized into championships. A total of 10 teams take part to each championship, which lasts 10 weeks. In case there are not enough users to fill a championship, the latter will be completed by bots, that are fictitious teams automatically created by the game. When the season ends the team which has the major number of points wins the championship (and eventually it is promoted to a higher category) and the 4 teams which have the least number of points degrade to an inferior category. Races of each 1-season Grand Prix are disputed in turn in the circuits of the 10 teams of the round. Drivers and components of each company at stake can be put on the market to create real sales. Promotions and relegations Promotion and relegations in each round occur in this way: 1) The first teams of each round all go up; 2) The best second, third, fourth, fifth teams (and so on) possibly go up according to how many bots there are in the superior championship (ex: in case in F2 there are 3 bots, from F3 the best 3 seconds will go up, unless the bots already went down from F1); 3) The teams in position 7-8-9-10 are demoted to the lower formula, however if there is some bot team in a formula higher than a human one, the bot is demoted and the team is recovered. |