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Registration page

Username: (max 20 letters)

Team name: (max 30 letters)


Confirm password:





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By registering you confirm that you have read and accepted:
Terms & conditions
Privacy policy

Some important notes

1) It is absolutely forbidden to own more than 1 team. If you use the same computer or share the same LAN of other MyGPTeam players you must communicate this to the Admin staff through Email immediately after you register.

2) In the field: Country, please enter the Country from which you connect. If your Country is not in our list, please contact us by email at the following address: staff[at]mygpteam[dot]com

3) Insert a valid email address: in your email address you will receive your password and the information to complete your registration.

We inform you that to avoid interference with the races, new registrations are blocked during the weekend, and the new accounts will automatically be enabled on Monday morning.
We are working to remove this limitation in the future.