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Password reset
To reset your password enter the username you registered with in the following form. If you are correctly registered your new password will be sent to the email address you entered during registration.
N.B.: With some mail providers (especially hotmail) it is possible that the recovery mail as well as the newsletter will be considered spam by anti spam filters. Please check it has not been sent to the spam or junk mail folder if it is not in your Inbox. In order to prevent this from happening again, once you have retrieved the automatic mail from the spam folder, you can change the status in "mark sender as safe" (also by adding the email address to your contacts list will help) which will avoid this problem in the future.
N.B.: With some mail providers (especially hotmail) it is possible that the recovery mail as well as the newsletter will be considered spam by anti spam filters. Please check it has not been sent to the spam or junk mail folder if it is not in your Inbox. In order to prevent this from happening again, once you have retrieved the automatic mail from the spam folder, you can change the status in "mark sender as safe" (also by adding the email address to your contacts list will help) which will avoid this problem in the future.