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Training and private tests
Every week it's possible to organise training for a maximum of 4 drivers; training is mainly useful for those drivers who don't race. In the training and tests page it's possible to select drivers who have to take part in training and the training type. A simple training will train less drivers but it's good to increase their level in current form, intermediate training will train them more with consequent slight or no decrease in the current form and finally advanced training will train them at maximum with a more visible increase in stress and thus a decrease in current form. Drivers who race mainly train themselves in abilities that are selected in the drivers page, and in a much milder manner for all other abilities. Weekly training on average trains less a driver than the race but also in this case the selected abilities are mainly trained and in a lower way the others. After training updatings, in the "Secretary's office" page are shown the results for drivers who raced or took part in weekly training. Training (including those of race) is affected by the age (young drivers grow up quicker) and by the driver's talent, an invisible characteristic (even if intuitable)which is innate and not modifiable. A driver who during the week has raced and during updating is also selected to take part in the weekly training he will take the training only for the race. If a driver is selected for the weekly training and then is sold before training updating the driver will not take part in the weekly training. But if a driver races and he is sold before training updating the drivers takes the training for race. Independently, drivers over 28 years old are generally subject to drop in skills (experience excluded), which are visible during training updating. These drops for drivers over 28 years old are inevitable if the driver doesn't train (neither in race nor in weekly training) or if the driver trains but has no talent. But they can be contrasted till a certain age if drivers in question take part in training (in race or weekly training) and at the same time they are talented. Private tests sessions In the tests page it's possible to organise some tests sessions for your cars. These tests don't train drivers but are only useful to give you an idea of times that your car needs on a certain course of a race. In fact, it's possible to assemble the car in the same way as that used for the race and select the course of race on which the car should race. Furthermore it's possible to determine for how many laps you should add fuel, to have an idea of speed and time variations due to a higher or lower weight depending on the fuel quantity. You can select if you should add fuel for a single lap (useful if you want to get a good time score for the contest, for example) or for increasing percentages of the number of laps that you race on the course of the race (the number of laps is visible in the circuit page) in a Grand Prix. You can also choose how many tests can be carried out within the session, for a maximum of 10 private test per session. Near the setting of each component there is the opportunity to enter the change of setting for each round of testing session. Example: Select 3 test for the current session. I choose as value of aerodynamic incidence: 1500 , and for aerodynamics select a change after each test of + 100 . Thus in the first test of the session incidence will be 1500, in the second test 1600, in the third test 1700. Between a test session and the other you have to wait a period of few seconds. The total weight which is visualized in the tests summary is their weight due to driver and to car components, fuel excluded. If a component which is assembled on the car at the moment of the test has reached 100 % of wear and tear has been driven to the possible minimum of skill (disastrous with no decimals) in all of its skill (for the engine only horsepower) then the correct progress of tests will be not allowed and the car will not start. A component is at disastrous skill without decimals (thus it can't be assembled for tests) if it has reached the following pvi values: Engine: pvi inferior or equal to 516 with 100 HP Electronics: pvi 12 Brakes: pvi 41 Suspensions: pvi 41 Transmission: pvi 42 Aerodynamic: pvi 42 Tyres: pvi 40 Tests also give information about the entered adjustment quality according to bends, height differences, weather and driver's skills (to have advice on adjustments you need to read the section "Storehouse" and "Qualifications and races" in the rules). In private tests you can notice an improvement in times all the more adjustments are exact. Unlike the race, however you will not have the bonus coming from exact adjustments in surroundings of radius 10 and for that which is precise to the thousandth. Organising this type of test has a fixed cost of 2.000 € (500 € if you are in the Facilitated Group) for each test of the session. If they are organised in your own circuit or in the weekly contest circuit, private tests will be free. During this type of test components suffer a deterioration, even if to a smaller degree than during the race. You can choose the automatic reparation for each car after the test: if automatic reparation is selected all the components assembled in the car will be automatically repaired after each test of the session, their skills will decrease as happens after a normal reparation and the payment related to the reparation will be automatically scaled down from the budget. In order to make the right choice for the type of tyres you should assemble to execute a test (slick intermediate or wet tyres) you need to see in the circuit page the test/contest weather, it's the same weather you have to consider in case of test executed for the weekly contest. Drivers feedback during tests After a private test the driver who has executed the test will express his judgment towards the car's settings. The truth of this judgment is affected by the driver quality in mechanical knowledge to a higher degree and by his experience to a smaller degree. Driver can express himself in 5 different ways with regard to torque settings, ratios, aerodynamic incidence and pressure: OK: according to the driver the selected adjustment is adequate +: driver asks to slightly increase car adjustment ++: driver asks to highly increase car adjustment -: driver asks to slightly decrease car adjustment --: driver asks to highly decrease car adjustment When a driver asks to increase or decrease setting he always has the right sensations. He can make a mistake (according to his mechanical knowledge and his experience) when he states that according to him adjustment is correct and therefore when he says that it's OK. A sentence on the reliability of drivers' suggestions is immediately expressed after the test, in fact, he himself admits how much truth there is in his suggestions. However, a perfect setting will be never comunicated either by a driver who has the maximum quality in mechanical knowledge and higher experience, a part of the work always has to be carried out by the team manager as a strategist that must be able to interpret the driver's sensations. Furthermore, the driver will give judgment in regard to his preference about brake and suspensions settings. These preferences depend on the component of driver's character which determines the judgment. The more shrewd a driver is, the more he will tend to suggest conservative settings, the more crazy a driver is, the more he will tend to suggest extreme settings. |