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Rules of game
Rules Menu Game staff AP-galbert AP-Danysax89 ExP-HonorMan ExP-ninja970 PR-Demon Lord PR-malcom PR-syax90 mod-grave mod-Libero mod-Daniele17 mod-Miky |
The F.I.A. Championship
In addition to the official championship, there is another one that is open to young drivers only and it is named F.I.A. (Fullari Italian Association). The teams can optionally participate to this championship, by following these rules: 1. The F.I.A. championship starts on Tuesday week 11 and ends on Tuesday week 8 of the following season, so it is made up of 10 races in 10 weeks. On Tuesday week 9 of the following season, the F.I.A. final race will be created with the best teams of the F.I.A. regular season, and the race will be hosted by the Constructor's leader circuit. If there are less than 10 divisions, the teams allowed to participate to the F.I.A. final race will be also the best second ones and in case the best third ones; 2. The F.I.A. championship is divided in a variable number of divisions that depends on how many users have been registered in the F.I.A. championship starting from Thursday week 9 till Wednesday week 10. On Thursday week 11, the divisions are created and the F.I.A. championship starts; 3. It is possible to register for the F.I.A. championship by the dedicated page, that is accessible by the drop-down menu that opens by clicking on the "Championship" button in the navigation bar at the top of any page of the game. It is not allowed to register a team in the F.I.A. championship during week 11, but it will be possible starting from week 12 by losing the first race; 4. The car components are provided by MyGPTeam since it's a monobrand; 5. The staff for all the F.I.A. participants is composed by 200 mechanics, given that the F.I.A. championship has been created in order to let the drivers fight on equal terms; 6. The weather forecast for the F.I.A. races is the same as the private tests and the contest, and it is also shown on the page where it is possible to set the machine settings; 7. Every team must set at least 1 under-21-year-old driver. The system will automatically filter the drivers that are less than 21 years old when the user needs to set up the cars. In case the user hasn't got 2 drivers that are young enough, it will be possible to participate to the F.I.A. championship with 1 driver only. The drivers that take part to the F.I.A. championship get the training deriving from races and possibly the increase in the "experience" skill, but this is not considered in case the same driver also participated in the official championship for that week. On the other hand, the current form can benefit from a double increase in case a driver takes part to both championships; 8. If a driver participated in the F.I.A. races and he turns 21, it won't be allowed to participate to the other races; 9. It is possible to access to the page related to strategies and settings by clicking on Championship > Races and cars from the navigation bar on top, and by clicking on "Strategies" and "Settings" respectively. As it is stated at point 4, it is not necessary to select the components for the race, differently from the official championship; 10. The drivers earn the following points according to their final place at every race: Race ranking First: 10pt Second: 8pt Third: 6pt Fourth: 4pt Fifth: 2pt Sixth: 1pt 1 additional point to the pole driver 1 additional point to the driver who did the record lap The amount of the earned points will be used to create the Constructors classification; 11. After race 10 every division leader will be declared the contructor's. In case of a tie, the team having more victories (and/or 2nd places and so on) will be declared the division leader. In detail, if rounds are 10, the teams who won their round division will go in the F.I.A. Final race; in case divisions are <10, the repêchage of the best second teams will be automatically done by the system until the F.I.A. Final race is full, and in case they are >10, the system will take into consideration the 10 best teams among the ones who won their division (e.g. in case of a F.I.A. Championship made up of 11 divisions, the system will take into consideration the 10 best teams among the 11 ones who won their division). These are the F.I.A. championship prizes: Championship prizes 1° 1M 2° 400K 3° 200K 4° 100K 5° 50K 6° 25K 7° 10K 8° 5K 9° 2.5K 10° 1K Final Race 1° 200K 2° 100K 3° 50K 4° 25K 5° 10K 6° 5K 7° 2.5K 8° 1K 9° 500 10° 250 |