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Rules of game
Rules Menu Game staff AP-galbert AP-Danysax89 ExP-HonorMan ExP-ninja970 PR-Demon Lord PR-malcom PR-syax90 mod-grave mod-Libero mod-Daniele17 mod-Miky |
Weekly competitions
With MyGPTeam it's possibile to organize or subscribe to competitions, friendly races where teams can freely challenge. These races have a preliminary qualification, to establish the starting grid. There are public and private competitions, in private competitions the organizer can accept or refuse subscribers. Here below some simple rules about competitions: - Project Manager users can create or partecipate in a maximum of 3 competitions a week. Other users can create or partecipate in a maximum of 1 competition a week - is required to name the competition - the competition will take place in the circuit of the team who organize it - for competitions you have to consider the "test/contest" wheather - the date should be set according to the server date. Will be shown a preview of the date according to the time zone of the team who organize the competition, before the confirmation - a maximum of 10 teams can subscribe to each competition - each team can subscribe to the same competition not more than one time, with two cars - it's not possible to partecipate to two competitions the same day - if the competition is organized for the same day (for example the wednesday for wednesday), the competition will take place that day, the week after - you can subscribe to a competition until 1 h and 15 min before its starting These races can be mono-brand: components will be provided by MyGPTeam Sports Association without any cost for teams. They will not give any benefit or require any expense, they will be just for fun, to challenge your friends, mates and whomever you like. For weekly competitions there are the same rules of championship races, that you can find in the page Qualifications and races of rules. |