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Rules of game
Rules Menu Game staff AP-galbert AP-Danysax89 ExP-HonorMan ExP-ninja970 PR-Demon Lord PR-malcom PR-syax90 mod-grave mod-Libero mod-Daniele17 mod-Miky |
On MyGPTeam it's possible to invest in the creation of a chain of shops of your team located around the circuit and the establishment which hosts the public and which could bring income from merchandising. The system of investment is based on the same system of laboratory and research of talents. From the merchandising page it's always possible to order the production of materials to sell and the final sales summary will arrive with a message in the secretary's office every day in a daily updating, provided that the level is higher than disastrous (at least by a decimal) or the merchandising investment is at least € 1.000. It's possible to order according to the chain of shops level up to a maximum of 11 different products, each belonging to a proper "class" and with a proper price. For Project Manager the name and the photo of the products on sale are also modifiable. At particular levels (that will be specified below) you have the possibilty to produce a new gadget and gadgets of inferior levels that still remain producible. At level disastrous it's possible to produce only gadgets of class 1 at levels awful and inadequate gadgets of class 2 (besides those of class 1) at levels mediocre and insufficient gadgets of class 3 (besides those of inferior classes) at levels acceptable and great gadgets of class 4 (besides those of inferior classes) at levels very good and phenomenal gadgets of class 5 (besides those of inferior classes) at levels peachy and wonderful gadgets of class 6 (besides those of inferior classes) at levels magnificent and amazing gadgets of class 7 (besides those of inferior classes) at levels portentous and colossal gadgets of class 8 (besides those of inferior classes) at levels immense and prodigious gadgets of class 9 (besides those of inferior classes) at levels perfect and heroic gadgets of class 10 (besides those of inferior classes) at level insuperable gadgets of class 11 (besides those of inferior classes) The research level will increase (in the merchandising updating) till a maximum value which depends on 2 crossed factors: weekly invested quantity and dimensions of establishment hosting public. In fact with no investment the quality of level doesn't increase and tends to disastrous with 1.000 € the maximum reachable level is mediocre with 5.000 € the maximum reachable level is very good with 15.000 € the maximum reachable level is magnificent with 25.000 € the maximum reachable level is immense with 50.000 € the maximum reachable level is insuperable However, in the same way, with an establishment having less than 10.000 total seats the maximum reachable level is mediocre with an establishment having between 10.000 and 19.999 total seats the maximum reachable level is very good with an establishment having between 20.000 and 39.999 total seats the maximum reachable level is magnificent with an establishment having between 40.000 and 59.999 total seats the maximum reachable level is immense with an establishment having more or equal to 60.000 total seats the maximum reachable level is insuperable Therefore, for example, if you invest 50.000 € and the establishment has 25.000 seats, the maximum reachable level is magnificent due to the limit of establishment. On the contrary, if you have 65.000 seats in the establishment but the investment amounts to 5.000 €, the maximum reachable level is very good due to the limit of investment. Lowering or deleting investments in merchandising can cause a drop in the reached level, in a quicker way if the lowering in investment is drastic. In fact, the level will tend to the maximum reachable level with the new investment. For each gadget category you have a cost for production/piece visible in the merchandising page. In order to construct a quantity of gadgets or to increase investments in merchandising you must make sure that the estimated availability added to the present pending offers (both in entrance and in exit) never goes under the amount of -200.000 € or you will not be allowed to produce. Still in the merchandising page you can select the price at which you can sell your gadget in your shops: this price can be double, triple or quadruple than the cost of production. For example, if the production of a gadget of class 1 costs 1 € you can choose whether to sell it for 2 €, 3 € or 4 € in shops. If you produce a gadget of a certain class and then investments are interrupted or decreased with consequent possible drop in the reached level, the produced gadget still remain in shops but you can't produce new ones if the gadget's class is no more available for the new reached level: for example, you are at level insuperable, you produce 10.000 gadgets of class 11 and you decide to lower investments and bring them to 5.000 €. After merchandising level updating it's possible that the level drops toheroic. In that case the 10.000 produced gadgets will remain in the shop and will be marketable, but you haven't the possibility to produce new ones. The quantity of sold gadgets is determined according to the gadget class (customers will tend to buy more gadgets of class 1, in general less expensive than those of class 11), to the price of the gadget, to the number of maintenance men (who are shop assistants and persons responsible for shops), to teamwork, to the level of chain of shops, to the level of Formula of the Team, to the compliance with the expectations and to a smaller degree to the supporter numbers of a team's fan club. With 0 maintenance men there will be no sales. In the shop page of a team the name of produced gadgets is visible for each user, the produced quantity and the photo. It's advisable to proceed in a gradual way with investments in merchandising, starting from low investments. In any case every type of tactics (both immediately set up 50.000 € or 1.000 €) lead to certain incomes after the necessary investments and with different times and manners. |